Jill Rock & Richard Cardew
"Another Vacant Space" Blueprints
Blueprint for a universe
Confronting the limitations of our fractured consciousness the mirrored interior of the cosmic dodecahedron gives us a view into an infinity, at once both toy and serious investigation into the roots of the whys and wherefores of the way we view ourselves. Blueprint for a Universe is a collaborative work by artist Jill Rock and mathematician and researcher into myth, Richard Cardew.
Jill Rock’s work is about the way we perceive nature and the underlying principles which govern it. She has exhibited her work in the UK, Europe , Australia and US. She has also curated MC2 at the institute of Physics London, All For Love at the Brompton Cemetery London,Good Morning Herr Schwitters at Brantwood, home of John Ruskin, Kathedral Of Erotic Misery at Museumman Liverpool, and London Biennale In Arcadia at the Stables Gallery, Orleans House, London as an open call involving 150 artists worldwide this Summer.
Richard Cardew is at present researching the musical origins of mythology.
GOEDEL, Einsteins friend at Princeton found 3 possible solutions to Einstein\’s revolutionary view of General Relativity in which space and time are unified into a 4 dimensional continuum, formulated mathematically by equations.
Goedel proposed in one of them that the shape of the universe is a dodecahedron with its opposite sides connected externally. The connection would have a 36 degree twist.
In this view, since we could travel away from the earth and eventually reach it without incurring a paradox, time travel must be possible, and therefore time itself cannot exist as we formulate the concept.
Goedels Tree is a compromise as we have used mirrors internally which gives the illusion of infinite internal space with interconnections; we left one face open which terminates the space, it becomes finite in interesting ways , sometimes after 12 repetitions, or 6 or 4 or 3 or 2, depends at what angle you are looking at it.
Each internal side in itself can be thought of as an individual consciousness trying to make sense not only of the Universe but of the view points of other people too, as each reflects back on itself in a kind of fascinating dance of life. It is possible to see inside this piece that truth is fractured in the world, and so the aim of life could be seen as to attempt to piece it together again as in the myth of Isis as she searches for the dismembered body of Osiris, brother, lover, husband, eventually finding 13 of his 14 pieces kept in safe keeping by the King of Tyre as she wept beside the well at Byblos, Ancient Phoenicia, present day Lebanon
We propose that the missing piece in the story is actually a tree germinating, growing into the void out the sediment of destroyed truth – a passageway for spiritual enlightenment.
The 5th in a series of works as collaboration between artist Jill Rock and mathematician and researcher into myth, Richard Cardew, previous versions exhibited at Castella Rivara, Turin, curated by Franz Pelludetti; ICA London, David Medalla\’s London Anywhere in the World curated by Guy Brett, Blog On Rimbaud, Academia Brera, Milan traveling to Antica Cartiera Papale di Ascoli Piceno, +10×10, Area 10 London, London Biennale In Arcadia , Stables Gallery London
Event Title Another Vacant Space