OPEN CALL: Independents Biennial x Open Eye Gallery


As part of Independents Biennial 2020, Open Eye Gallery is looking for photographic work to celebrate the creative talent of the region. This year’s Independents Biennial focuses on collaboration and connections between artists, casting a fresh perspective on how people in Merseyside see, make and use art.

The brief is very open, but here are some things we’ve been thinking about a lot lately, that may guide our selection process:

  • How do we use photography today?
  • How can photography change the way we see each other?
  • What role can images play in making and sustaining connections?

Selected artists from this open call will showcase their work digitally on the gallery’s exterior screen for the period of a month. Successful artists will also have the opportunity, should they wish, to take over Open Eye Gallery’s Instagram, present events in the gallery space or make use of the gallery’s independent shop to showcase publications.

Deadline for submission: 5pm / Monday 23rd March 2020.

Submission guidelines:

All submissions to be sent via email with the subject line Independents Biennial 2020 Submission: *Artist Name* to by 5pm on Monday 23rd March 2020.

Each image should be .jpg files no larger than 2mb without watermarks and titled with the name of photographer/artist in the order they are to be viewed (for example, FirstnameLastname01.jpg).

Please include the following as a PDF document, with images attached separately — not in a zipped folder:

Series title, name of photographer/artist, brief bio (maximum 100 words), series statement (maximum 100 words), contact details, website url. Those with successful submissions will be contacted for high-resolution files. Photographers will retain all copyright of their images.

Independents Biennial runs from 10th July – 25th October 2020.

Art in Liverpool & Independents Biennial work one-to-one with each artist to understand how best to support their wider practice as they work towards exhibition, providing opportunities to develop work with other artists across the festival and connect with a network of artists in residence.