‘Live Essays’ across different platforms: audience, artists, producers etc. will have access to, to create a series of new writings to educate ourselves (as a sector), taking away ‘roles’ and ‘positions’…
Narratives with the festival, and with each other.
Come to something (at the end of the job) that you wouldn’t have otherwise come to, had we not undertaken the role.
Build up to an ‘artist’ page on the website, that presents what has been done over the course of the job.
Intention: Artists Host, part of the programme team, to use their work as part of the programme production/technical/documentation, lending our work to present the work of others.
“The structure of Independents Biennial is bizarre/troubled/a challenge.”
The Artist Hosts are working to a brief.
Essentially a residency, creating content around the themes discussed in the brief.
What format? What focus? What medium? What lens? What filter? What is the Harriet Burns sieve?
Self-set stimulus in regards to the themes, but will be framework and links (in the other artists and parts of the programme) for anchorage on the various topics.
So ye…basically do what the fuck you want so long as it’s able to be viewed digitally over the course of 11 weeks in response to some broad ass topics (that can basically be interpreted in whatever fashion) make some shit and get paid. This surely is the ideal.
Need to have a think about what format my responses will take. What are the ‘deliverables’? Lol Graphic Design jargon I am so good
Although the appreciation of text/writing is great, as this is something so intrinsic to my ways of working, much to the chagrin of my graphic design peers.
I can see collages, video works, maybe a bit of my man, Heidegger, eventually.
But will mirror how I’ve been documenting my course work, through this live journal using Google Docs because I think the Google apps are great.
There’s going to be some making of sentimentality great again, of course.
Ahhh also another beautifully convenient coincidence is that the work generated as part of the role will neatly fit in and satisfy my current university module: collaboration. There’s even a brief involved.