Chorlton Lockdown Portraits (Lockdown 3), Exhibition

The Chorlton Lockdown Portrait project started soon after the UK entered it’s first nationwide lockdown. Everything stopped overnight, and what we had always taken for granted suddenly become something to consider and plan. Despite this, daily life had to continue – people still ran out of milk, dogs needed walking…

Living on a busy road, Mark set up a wooden backdrop in his front yard and asked passers-by to stop for a moment and have their portrait taken (from five metres away). He asked everyone to email back with their experiences of living under lockdown to add to the project. The project ran a second time during the November/ December lockdown, and is currently running during this third national lockdown.

The plan is to continue the project to a full year, and then use the portraits and stories to create a photobook documenting everyday life experiences of this difficult and strange time.