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Week 2 Thoughts, Elizabeth Challinor
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More writing by Elizabeth Challinor here
I keep forgetting that weeks aren’t just Monday-Friday, and that Saturday and Sunday’s are available days...
Matt Retallick Research Questionnaire 8: Sarah Gilman
Name: Sarah GilmanLocation: St HelensWebsite:
1. What is your relationship to Merseyside?
I moved to St Helens from Crewe in 2005 and have studied and...
Matt Retallick Research Questionnaire 7: Luke Skiffington
Name: Luke Skiffington
Location: Liverpool
Instagram: @luke_skiffington
1. What is your relationship to Merseyside?
We only moved here in summer 2019, so I’m still a tourist! I have some extended...
Matt Retallick Research Questionnaire 6: Elizabeth Challinor
Name: Elizabeth Challinor
Location: Liverpool
1. What is your relationship to Merseyside?
I was born in Liverpool, and have lived/worked here my whole life. I wanted to...