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Stephanie Fry, Threads of History (Film)

https://youtu.be/DHXe9r76Ejw BACK TO MAIN PROJECT PAGE

Sam Venables, Bio

Interests include but not limited to: Fandom, display mechanisms, signwriting, mass production, shopfitting/ shopfitters, roadside attractions, abandoned places, homemade substitutes, multi-packs, wear dated carpets, unofficial...
stop Asian hate

Sufea Mohamad Noor, Stop Asian Hate

Sufea Mohamad Noor has been researching the development of diversity and inclusion (D&I) terminologies since the beginning of her career. In 2020 Independents biennial,...

Montse Mosquera, Too Foreign (2021)

Montse Mosquera, Too Foreign (2021) https://youtu.be/BGxEFxflKSc Subtitles: Living in another country is one of the most enriching experiences you can have.When you leave, your memory will remain...

(View) Kevin Crooks, Thatto Heath Project

Details HERE Head back to the main project page for updates & events HERE

Pierce Starre, Scrutiny

Pierce Starre has been in residence with Metal Liverpool for Independents Biennial since 2020. This commission is Scrutiny, a video performance exploring personal experiences...

ROOT-ed on Joy, pt.1

ROOT-ed has decided to dedicate their page to Joy. In these particular circumstances, it's important to look at the positive aspect in life and...

ABOUT: Emmer Winder, Social Pharmacy

St Helens Social Pharmacy is a project which invites everyone to share their personal mantra/ words/ phrases that help them through the continuing Covid19 pandemic. It is hoped that these statements will heal those that read them, causing a therapeutic, shared sense of community.

What a find, Grace Collins & George Gibson

More on this project & the artists here "Hello, so I found this, I’m still searching for more info on it and obviously it’s not...